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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Free Giveaway! Norwex Dusting Mitt!

To thank all my friends and customers, I am going to give away a dusting mitt! Everyone who has placed an order already in July, and any placing one up until Aug 15 will be entered into the draw!
Simply message me or go direct to my website to order. I will announce the winner on Aug 16. Feel free to share this post :)

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Norwex Paste Can Do That!!?

The Norwex cleaning paste is an amazing product. It is my probably my favorite cleaning tool.  See for yourself, this miracle paste!


Which Norwex Mop Pad Is Your Favorite?

I love the superior Norwex mop system.  It has made keeping my hardwood and tile floors so much easier. 

Order online today, or join my Norwex team at


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Norwex Cleaning Paste!

Elbow grease in a jar.  Probably my most favourite Nowex product!
Order online or join my Norwex team.

Make your home a safe haven with Norwex!

You don't need to use all those toxic chemicals to keep your home fresh and clean anymore!
Norwex products make such an amazing difference to the enviornment, and help to keep your home beautiful at the same time.
Message me or go to my website to order


Norwex Timeless Natural Hand Cleaner

With all the summer travel, airplanes, hotels and restaurants can harbor tons of germs and bacteria. Yuck! Keep your family safe on the go with the Timeless Natural Hand Cleaner that cleans without water!  Here are a few reasons why we think you want it! What's YOUR reason?

Saturday, July 9, 2016

What Norwex family fun are you planning this summer?

With summer season in full swing, why not try a new water activity to beat the heat with your family? Make a splash with these super-fun water games and activities at today's Movement blog: What water activities are you planning this summer?

Norwex located in Dallas area.

As a business located in the Dallas area, we are heartbroken by the tragic events in our home city. Our hearts and prayers are with the families of the Police Officers who lost their lives and with those who were injured.


Norwex Safe Haven House!

Have you visited our virtual Safe Haven House? It shows you how to freshen your home without using harmful chemicals, one room at a time! First stop: kitchen What products can you recognize on this image, and how do you use them to clean your kitchen? (Hint: Click link to find the right answers, but only AFTER you share your answers below. We trust you!)
Order online or start your Norwex business at


Friday, July 1, 2016